Me when I finally understand how VueJS works, how simple, easy and customizable it is, how I built a working contact form in 5mn and how I'm gonna stick with this gorgeous motherfucker for the rest of my life.

  • 9
    Where rest of your life = like 5 months until 49+38285940e new frameworks release
  • 3
    @sharktits ssshhhhhh don't be mean :'D
  • 1
    @Drillan767 i support @sharktits
  • 0
    Something I don't get about React -- it's easily possible to build a working contact form in vanilla JS in 5 min. Or jQuery or YUI or Prototype, assuming you're already familiar with them. I admit I went backend for a few years there but now that I'm out here again looking at frontend frameworks it feels like there's been a step backwards. I know speed of development isn't everything, but it shouldn't be considered a great feat to be able to do a contact form in 5 minutes. That was the norm a few years ago.

    My grumpiness about this probably isn't helped by my hate of SPAs, in the hands of most devs they seem to be usability and security nightmares. :/ Looking forward to seeing what the next 5 months brings!
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