I have been drawing nothing but FUCKING CIRCLES on pieces of paper, and it has slowly piled up on my desk over the course of a week. I have been getting stares from people in other departments, and I am pretty sure they think I am starting to lose it.


I finally implemented something today tho, and all that doodling and spaghetti code was totally worth it to see it actually fucking work on the first run. Jesus Christ, I fucking love my job.

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    Ohh you are also one of these ppl that can have the whole code architecture in mind but still need, to backtrace an error, to draw shapes to help you as you navigate through the code? Or is that just me 😅?

    PS: i most of the time draw mazes that represent how i see the code and allow me to retrace all elements when calling a particular method/function/whatever
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    Then inside the circle, write the names of anyone who approaches your desk
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    Write the names of everyone and cross them out if they approach you.
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    @fattymiller Then wait for one of them to have a sick day and make a point of crossing out their name.
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