Edge 6 tabs 2 extensions
chrome 1 tab 0 extensions
I hate that I had to install chrome only for a backend of a non standard website that works only on chrome

  • 8
    *Looks at Firefox with 5 open tabs and a bunch of extensions* 600MB... Ehh it's fine, I have 8GB of ram anyway ^^'
  • 0
    @redemption also on my Windows pc everything works fine, but if you can save RAM on browsing to do something else is even better, why should I waste my RAM? :)
  • 5
    Unused RAM is useless RAM, imho
  • 1
    Edge isn't as bad as everyone thinks it is and chrome isn't as great either. Now, edge is a bit pushy on win10 when it tries to be the default browser. Chrome works well though but I do notice it becoming more bloated over the years. Opera still renders really fast and I've heard Vivaldi is a viable alternative though I havent used it myself. I still love tab and password syncing amongst devices on Chrome.
  • 0
    "Install a faster browser today!"
  • 1
    @Yast2 yeah what I did, use the ram that I save with edge for something else, is even better :)
  • 0
    I liked saving bookmarks and extensions across PCs without having to log into or even use Windows.
  • 1
    @Jop- no need to sort by alphabet, you need just to click on the arrow, this is today with same page open, edge 3 extensions, firefox 0 extensions
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