Purchasing your own land and staying the fuck away of any metropolitan areas.

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    @SortOfTested I grew up in a rural area it's not as great as ppl think it is lol

    Any time I wanna go shopping for clothes I gotta drive at least an hour, takes at least 20 mins to get to a grocery store, any theres literally nothing to do entertainment wise.

    Can understand not wanting to live in one of the major cities with a milli+ population, but a small city with like 150-250k is where it's at lol
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    When I lived in Texas, that was basically the story. Grocery store was 20 minutes (30 if traffic on the one lane cow path), gas station was 5 miles. Not a sidewalk in sight.

    I'd much rather deal with NIMBYs than having fuck all to do in BFE. Never fantasized about the little house on the prairie supply run.
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    @Stuxnet Couldn't agree more. If the store is more than 15min away (by walking), it's too far from me.
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    @Jilano For real.

    I went to DC last summer and where our hotel was had a grocery store, several restaurants, a pharmacy and stop to get on the Metro within a 1-1.5 mile radius.

    I'm tryna live somewhere like that. The problem is, the tech city (it's actually more like three of them in a close region) in my state has a plethora of companies that build their own campuses, and it's a sizeable trip away from the actual city. It's annoying because I wanna live there, but I still want to be able to walk *everywhere*, work included.
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    @Stuxnet Tough choice. Are all those campuses "reachable" with a bike or public transport? That could be a way, I guess.
    Otherwise you could try to remote half the time (or similar).
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    @Jilano it's like a 20 minute car drive to get to most of them, so not really.

    Ig driving just to work isn't as bad as driving everywhere, but either way I'll figure something out.
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    To me, if « I made it » as a dev, it would mean I don’t have to work for a living anymore. SO, BFE sounds pretty damn good provided it’s by a sea and has year around sun.
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    Me needs it, me wants it, me dont have it, me poor! :(
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    I have it, it sucks ass. There's no one for like 20 miles, nearest town's like 50 niles away, jack shit is within walking distance.
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