I have good knowledge frontend/backend web development but i didnt know php cause i heard so much shit about it. I finally made up my mind to learn it.

I fucking hate php

>>> MAMP doesnt fucking work when i installed it
>>> After it finally works, I change the sql password. WHY THE FUCK DO I NEED TO GO TO LIKE 10 FILES AND CHANGE THE GODDAMN PASSWORD IN EACH ONE.
>>> php doesnt work if the <?php tag isnt at the top -> this shit wasnt even mentioned
>>> why the fuck would you use '->' for everything when a simple '.' would suffice.
>>> useless class system (more like a pseudo class system)
>>> foreach ($list as $item) dafuq that is not even correct english, what is wrong in "foreach ($item in $list)"

i hate php

  • 1
    <?php does not need to be at the top of a php file. It only needs to precede any PHP.

    Allowing for an unfortunate mix markup and logic.

    My current gripe about WordPress. Haven't tried converting an entire WP theme to a templating language like Pug yet but I am in the process of building one from a starter theme built on it.
  • 6
    Sounds like you caught some poorly developed scripts. PHP allows this, but só do other languages.
    Some advices: dont use MAMP, use a vm/docker/wtvr, because you will not deploy and serve files on osx

    Check out some php coding standards. This should show you that a large part of the php community actually wants people to develop clean

    Check some PHP framework (eg symfony, Laravel, phalcon) to see the code structure there.

    Hope it helps :)
  • 3
    mamp is not php so use better tools, as for the php foreach loop I think it makes perfect sense since you want it to loop over each item and this item should be known AS in the loop.
  • 5
    index 688e8a2..a786bb8 100644
    --- a/rant/comment/bolovsky.txt
    +++ a/rant/comment/bolovsky.txt
    @@ -5,0 +5,0
    # For the love of good
  • 0
    @Kimmax wtf is lcx?
  • 4
    I failed again (._. )
  • 0
    @Kimmax oh LXC that i know
    Still docker
  • 0
    @Kimmax using mamp implies osx. Which implies no lxc. So docker stands :)
  • 3
    Look up docker, learn php7, get familiar with composer and psr4 autoloading. PHP done right will feel more like Java but less verbose. Also use an IDE, phpstorm is a de-facto standard for a reason making the arrow operator your least problem. Use phpunit and/or codeception for tests. And look into the symfony components, symfony2 / silex really had a great impact on the community.
  • 2
    You don't hate PHP. You just hate bad PHP 😂
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