I fucking _hate_ the inconsistency programs have with ctrl + y. For some it means "redo". For others it means "delete this fucking line right here".

Thankfully there it's always good 'ol ctrl + shift + z which is always redo. I've completely moved to it and shunned ctrl + y.

  • 2
    You'd love emacs way to redo. (no, you probably wouldn't.)
  • 1
    Never worked with emacs. FWIW I like the way vim and the likes do it as well. But I'm not talking about just IDE's. I mean any software really.
  • 1
    Emacs Ctrl+y = paste 😂😂
  • 2
    I actually hate ctrl + z in every program. I live in country, where default keyboard is qwertz not qwerty, so as you can guess I tend to change keyboard often and press ctrl + y quite a lot of times except ctrl + z. Sometimes it even ruins your history of ctrl + z...
  • 0
    @azous *yank
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