Is looking for the string "cv" too much for a folder with 962 files and 116 folders having a total of 753MB?
Apparently, it is for the Windows Explorer.
Come on...

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    @c3r38r170 What other outcome were you expecting? It’s Windows, it crashes.
  • 4
    You search in explorer? Why?! Just install "everything" and be done with the whole ordeal...
  • 1
    I would go with either solutions from @hamido-san or @AtuM

    Seeing how lightweight Everything is, it's hard to understand why search/indexation is that awful in Windows.
  • 2
    @hamido-san That’s why I love devRant. You get know about new tools and technologies. Didn’t know about “Everything”.
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    @Cyanide can anyone really expect one to know Everything
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    @AtuM Fair, but it's a 50/50 chance that OP has it already (maybe a bit more), though it's possible he didn't think about it or doesn't know how to use it for that specific purpose

    @electrineer "Yes."
  • 0
    Agent Ransack x64.

    Thank me later.
  • 2
    if it fits your use case, ripgrep works on windows
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    @Jilano I don't have it (work laptop) and don't know how I'd do it, as I don't know how WSL works exactly.
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