
I am such an idiot. I met this girl today (this is so so incredibly rare) and we got off to a nice start. We had things in common and our conversation was going quite well. She mentioned she was going for a walk in the park and told me I was welcome to join. And me... the idiot.. I had no plans for the evening... absolutely nothing else to do.... I told her I had to go catch up on some work and maybe another time and I just up and left with a “Bye”.. with a stupid smile on my stupid face.

Some history: I had a horrible break-up a while back and since then, I’ve been having difficulties meeting people.. let alone have a relationship. I started freaking out at the mere thought of getting close to someone. I keep thinking about how to keep people away and not get too close to anyone (not physically).

  • 7
    And now, as I’m walking back, I’m rueing it.
  • 41
    Probably your intuition saving you from someone that uses spaces instead of tabs for indentation.
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    No contact info?
  • 9
    Kicking yourself over what-ifs is super unhealthy. Learn from it, move on, and remember it for next time
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    Not to fret, playing hard to get, even without knowing, is a good strategy.

    Back when I was still single this was a common strategy of mine to apply before I would go on dates. Just, work on your confidence, work on you being there for when the time calls for it. Work your way through charms and other things and apply it.

    there is no woman out there(or male if that is your thing) that is unreachable. Work on yourself, don't bent over backwards to go out with women, don't break your character for a woman, WORK ON YOURSELF and then go at it and don't forget that n 1 is always you my king, build yourself, pass on dates appropriately.

    You got this my dude.

    Source: I have gotten a lot of people laid, and if i was still single it would be the end of everyone cuz I know my shit.
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    Also, there is no "stupid smile on my stupid face" there ain't a thang stupid about you. This your smile, this your face, YOU ARE A BOSS AND I NEED YOU TO BELIEVE IT

    *The wholesome bro
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    How bout texting her “actually, I can to that work tomorrow. Is you invitation still on ?”
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    I can't even run into people to talk to
  • 3
    @dder just no. Paddling back like that on the work thing might give off a few red flags.

    It's ok to text but than just to say you had a great time and would love to meet her again. Perhaps when mentioning to go for a walk and keeping the schedule clear for her.
  • 3
    @AleCx04 You are the shit, sir ❤️
  • 6
    Do take walks in the park, though, even if not with a girl. Walks are good. Especially in greenery.

    Peace 💚
  • 3
    @AleCx04 “don’t break character” I just want to say how important this is! I have a weird sporadic possibly adhd brain with a caffeine addiction and a thought to speech filter with holes like a pasta colander. It turns a lot of people off!

    However, The strongest relationships come from those where I didn’t try to restrain that part of me. It’s who I am. It’s not neurotypical. But if it had tried to act differently than how I am, I’d truly be living a lie.
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    @Cyanide love you too bro, and I really want to buy you a beer someday
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    @jeeper it comes naturally to some, difficult to some. I have learned to appreciate good people everywhere I am at and some of the strongest relationships have come from talking to the "weird, quiet" or whatever nomenclature people give to the socially awkward. Still there are a lot of good-non-full-of-shit people out there.

    And I never like it when people self deprecate them. A good person is a good person, regardless of how they view themselves, if a heart and mind are good, then I appreciate them and do whatever in my power to elevate them, to make them see themselves as their own champions. This is the most essential thing, even if you don't have anyone else, and you are a good person, you have yourself. That shit can radiate towards others if they so wish. They just need to learn how.

    The shit people I have no patience for, and my wife tells me that if I do not like someone, I make it extremely visible.
  • 2
    @-red if possible get back in touch and just ask if that walk is still possible, if so, get to know her, share thoughts, then everything should develop au natural.
  • 6
    @-red Hey Red
    Are you in the Bay Area ?
    I feel like we could really hit it off :P
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    @-red dewit
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    It is ok. This incident doesn't make you idiotic

    You are just unable to allow intimacy for whatever reason. Let it go
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