On days like this I am very happy I chose to be an engineer and not tried my luck at being an Instagram influencer. I'm also quite relieved I don't work at Facebook or any of its metastases.

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    @PonySlaystation The moment I posted it, all Zuckerberg apps returned. Damn, now I'm questioning my choices again.
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    @NickyBones An instagram career would be a waste of your intelligence.
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    @Fast-Nop as practice shows, one doesn't need much of it
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    @iiii But then we won't have robots with cool sunglasses and heavy Austrian accent.
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    @Fast-Nop It could have been a first career. If I would have made a few million $ from butt pictures, that could have financed my tech projects.
    Saving that amount of money as a PhD student is just...no.
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    @molaram I wouldn't want to work for Facebook even when everything is dandy. I think their hiring process is grueling, and the work environment is extremely competitive. I would burn out in 2 months.
    I just imagine being in the middle of the chaos when a mess of that scale occurs...*shudder*. I'm too fragile mentally to handle this kind of stress.
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    "Facebook metastases"

    Thats what the "Meta" rebranding was about.

    It was zuckerborg admitting facebook is cancer.
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