! rant, but should I be concerned?

I'm writing an election results API and I imported the bottlepy+pandas and prepped the CSV that contains the data. The first row contains the column names, followed by the actual data.

As I typed my routes, VSCode kept suggesting route names, parameters, and return values. At first I was "nice!" but then it kept suggesting my intent, as if someone was reading my brain. I do have GitHub Co-pilot installed, but I didn't realize my access had been approved.

How many layers of tin foil do I need?

  • 2
    It also adjusts to your code, and will give suggestions based on what you already have. It's nice but I still don't trust it. It does hang its self in loops.
  • 3
    How many people using this at work? What is your work's policy on letting an outside entity have access to your code? I know if I did this my boss would shit his pants and probably fire me.
  • 2
    @Demolishun unless it's open source, it probably shouldn't be used in a professional manner.


    Anything quick and simple or generic boilerplate wouldn't be so bad though as long as you're double checking what it spits out.
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