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    StackOverflow is extremely savage. If you make the smallest mistake they will insult and torment you till you abandon all hope of finding a solution... Lol. Well sorta felt that way at the time..

    And never post anything about hardware related APIs. That is an unforgivable sin.
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    Credits to XKCD
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    @SecondThread meaning what exactly
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    @lukegv Idk I've asked genuine questions for which i couldn't even find a close duplicate but they always got downvoted into oblivion for being duplicate or non constructive while i spend fucking ages to try and be as clear as possible
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    @matsaki95 i think saying the question marked as duplicate is duplicate IS duplicate. And the statement that i just said is a duplicate and the statement 'the statement that i just said is a duplicate' is a duplicate, and ...
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    @JerreMuesli I hate to explain jokes, but...

    The joke is funny because it references itself as creating self referencing humor, when it just promised not to do so.

    Of course, this is relevant to the devRant post because the main humor in the question is that the question which is asking about a duplicate question is, in fact, itself a duplicate.
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