
Fuck this week is 3/5 allready over. I have to fix a fucking serious performance bottle neck until the end of it or else they will allow some clue- und planless idiots to spill the poor innocent software with complete useless kubernetes jizz just because they heard someone saying this helps with performance in the next toilet cubicle while taking a shit or whatever.

  • 0
    Which k8s jizz is that?
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    @netikras It's the good ol' "we transform the compose setup to a kubernetes setup and replicate the slow backend to have more slow backends and think it's faster then alltogether due to some of mofo miracle - while the problems is just bad code cause n^3 file io actons instead if n, am we think we can do this in a couple of days without any experience because of lol " - kind of kubernetes jizz.
  • 1
    @horus thick and sticky
  • 1
    Let em try and see for themselves.
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    @Oktokolo i surely will. But they will involved ne for sure at least by asking 100k questions a day bc they know nothing about the software and by breaking all my test tooling bc they don't care...
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