Windows 10 is a fucking piece of shit. It's the worst software ever made. It's the worst program ever written in the entire computer history.

  • 7
    Cortana once took up 5 Gb ram on my pc once.
  • 15
    You clearly haven't used OracleDb yet.
  • 5
    I can relate so much to this... Fuck windows
  • 9
    You are running Windows 10 on a 4 GB RAM PC?
  • 7
    trust me, Windows Vista was even worse
  • 5
    What are you doing to the event log you naughty boy 😏
  • 2
    @JsonBoa Jesus Windows Vista came out before I was even born.
  • 4
    Windows 10
    4GB ram
    Event log going batshit crazy.

    What did you do to the event log? Because something is obviously crashing hard.

    Also 4GB of ram in 2021 is like running a Solar panel car in the F1.
    Sure it can do it, but it's not going to do it well 😅
  • 2
    @arjun-123 hahahahah, near the turn of the century a teacher once told my class "you kids have it so much better now that you have operating systems taking care of the hard parts"
    Yeah, aged like milk.
  • 2
    My dedicated windows machine never reaches those levels. Learn the system a bit more man, you can have the same shit on Mac or Linux, it is all about learning the system intricacies, which is a necessity in the dev life
  • 2
    12.8MB/s disk is probably a real disk and not an SSD. Using an SSD can speed up your system.
  • 1
    @arjun-123 now I just feel old and angry.
  • 0
    Dos is way less bugged
  • 1
    Windows to boot min 8gb ram.
    To make it usable SSD storage.
    To do some work in good processor is needed.
  • 1
    I was also fed with windows 10 so I bought 32 GB ddr4 ram and 1tb pcie4 SSD. Never had problems after that.

    Note: just kidding, I bought for gaming.
  • 0
    @arjun-123 It's a piece of shittttttt
  • 0
    @MoaD windows is a fucking money making shit for Microsoft
  • 0
    @JsonBoa ha ha... nice one.
  • 0
    @asgs No. It's 8gb
  • 0
    @jkommeren IDK what the fuck is that fucking event log
  • 0
    @C0D4 my pc has 8 gb
  • 1
    @AleCx04 with windows, it's not about learning the system. It's that we have to deal with a fucking computer program.
  • 0
    @jasongodev this is not a solution. It's just give fucking windows more resource so that Microsoft can make more fucking money
  • 0
    @souvikpaul well go have a look! Start - run - eventvwr
  • 0
    Windows is actually as good if not better than anything else out there. Here's the problem, though. It has to be generic enough to deal with all sorts of hardware, which in itself can have varying standards and quality. The hardware needs drivers. The computer now needs software to be useful which might install anywhere. Games like Eve online have deleted boot.ini for no reason back a whole ago and so on.... All of this without a clear cut standard or enforcement because there are valid reasons to do random things. And if windows cuts out permissions to do it then people bitch. After all they own the computer why shouldn't they be able to delete system32? Or how do they fix corruption? Windows is a bunch of if statemts waiting for that one person to install and manipulate it in a direction Microsoft didn't anticipate. Linux let's you do whatever you want and it's barely good enough to handle desktop environments for people who don't want to have to recompile their OS for wifi.
  • 2
    @demortes not sure if trolling or not.

    Either way...I think you're an idiot.
  • 0
    @sariel think that, but you go write generic software for as many situations that windows or Linux has to accommodate for. Until then, your shitty attitude means nothing to me. Even then, it won't.
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