
I've been meaning to post this picture I found a few years ago on Reddit for a while now which made me quite obsessed with the DEC VT220, of which I've still not managed to purchase. It's sure to make most of you moist where it matters, so enjoy.

Full picture gallery: http://m.imgur.com/a/badwC

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    doesnt your mind squirrel run rampage when working on those ?
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    @naughtyelf I'm not sure I can make sense of that sentence... Mind run squirrel rampage?!
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    @drRoss he has given you his passphrase !!!
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    squirrel is basically adhd. dont you find it hard to focus with that green screen next to you ? still like the setup though. wish i had the monitors to complement my dev setup
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    @naughtyelf Haha, well unfortunately this isn't my setup. But if it was, I don't think it would be distracting... I'd love it.
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    i myself work on 5250. aka ala "AS/400" beast of tech that machine... would love to own one... sad that most people dont understand the worth of good old OLTP.
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    @naughtyelf As in you work on AS/400's even now? That's wicked.
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    @drRoss. yes. its just called IBM i running on Power Systems now. marketing gimicks but albeit a very stable piece of iron if I must admit
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    @naughtyelf For a legacy application or..?
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