
I got denied work from home status on black friday because I did not have RDP access for our solution.

let 👏 me 👏 use 👏 s 👏 s 👏 h 👏

  • 1
    That wouldn't make any difference.

    "Just open up port 22 on the firewall."

    Nah cuz.
  • 0
    @drRoss that is true. Our db's are what I need access too, and they are interlaced with another company's db setup which does government contracting. Security out the wazoo.

    Sometimes you don't have a choice in what technologies you can use ;~; #muhfreedoms
  • 0
    No way to VPN?

    DBA's able to clone databases and sanitise the sensitive data on a daily basis so you're able to work with the databases on your internal network?

    If government... I guess not.
  • 0
    No vpn, even despite the requests of our head dev. I am at least grateful that I do not work for the govt contracting company.
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