
Swagged up the setup with some art by the missus.

  • 1
    Wow! Very talented.
  • 3
    Wow.... is that art?
    I should sell my little 5yo sisters drawings then, I'll be a millionaire
  • 3
    @BikerMouse Wow! Maybe you will. Someone probably will like and enjoy them. Glad you are supportive of your sisters aspirations!
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    @xios i love that response! best way to handle trolls. your wife is great btw, you must be proud :)
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    @alexdovzhany very proud ^^ it's interesting how one can go to strange mental places after staring at abstract. My way of breaking the code locks and nots by rebooting the brain.
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    @xios seems like a great way to debug
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    @BikerMouse What a massive arsehole comment.
  • 3
    @xios my honest apologies, I read your post wrong. Didn't realize that missus meant your wife.

    Still though, tastes differs. In my perspective are these just a few random brushes. Which I don't count as art.
    But then again, that's my opinion.

    I know I made an arsehole comment earlier. Words cannot be taken back, I am truly sorry.
    It was a rough day and I shouldn't rant on your wife's paintings.

    I hope you can forgive me. I'm a nice guy but sometimes I snap.
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    @BikerMouse =D no biggie mate. Taste varies.
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    Even though i never understood art of this type, there's one quote that i always remember... "Sometimes art is not ment to make you look at it and see something you like/dislike, but rather made to provoke a feeling or a response."

    Obviously your wife made it exactly like that 😉

    Oh, btw, my monitor is also guarded by a minion hehe...
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    Love the one on the right! ^^
    And **gasp!** why do you have a minion?! Why?!?!
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    @Skipp Yes. I think that is the point. trying to put a feeling Into a painting.

    @FunctionalAsF Phil is My codebuddy ;)
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    Missus here, thanks for all your encouraging words. I'm not an artist and I don't try be be. Sometimes I look at paintings and think to myself "A 5yo could do that..." ... So I did. Honestly I only tried to make white walls look less plain and my husband liked these (which is nice). That Said I'm not opposed to making a load of money so as of right now I'm taking offers.
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