
I'm quite the Microsoft fan, so let the downvotes flow, but can you please tell me why:
1. Some consider IE and Edge to be the same thing (when they are not - https://developer.microsoft.com/en-... )
2. Java is better than C# (which I have heard some people say)?

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    Interesting questions. Subscribing for the answers.
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    I'm kind of MS fan too but i have to say, Edge is not upto the standard and it behaves like IE in some ways. For ex, when launching edge, loading webpages, . It feels broken and clunky in my experience
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    @killermenpl not quite true. Visual J++ was the Java by Microsoft. J# then was their try to get Java and J++ developers to .net. Java and C# then have influenced eachother.
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    I love scrolling web pages in Edge. So smooth. Chrome & Firefox seem clunky in comparison.
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    @bandoncont when it comes to the standard library? What do you mean? I've been on board since .NET's beginning in C# and do think .NET framework is much more extensive if you take into account only the stuff officially released by Microsoft compared to Java's. I occasionally did some Java work as well and if I compare to Java I cannot say something else than that the .NET framework has so many features and technologies out of the box, more than Java IMHO.
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    Once I had an 8" tablet that came with Windows 10. Chrome was sluggish as hell, Firefox too, but Edge... Oh Edge, it worked like a charm, even my teacher didn't believe it until he saw it.

    On my laptop, Chrome goes by well, so not using Edge lately. But while I was using it, I read that even the smooth scrolling and some touch events where ported FROM Edge to Chrome, correct me if I'm wrong.
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    @bandoncont I must say that I disagree. Last time I worked with Java was when I had to build a Jira plugin that needed to download some RSS feed, parse the XML and do something with it. I did not find a way to do that in Java out of the box but it might have been due to a lack of documentation on that. I also did multipart formdata posts in C# so that is possible. Anyway, I like 'em both but feel that thorough knowledge of the framework and libraries is required to achieve your goals.
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