
Fuck you, Windows.

  • 17
    Upgrading from windows to lindows?
  • 1
    You must be so smart 😂
  • 18
    And you curse yourself by installing Ubuntu...
  • 6
    "Microsoft has worked with Canonical" enough said.
  • 52
    I'm a simple men. I see Ubuntu, I dislike. I see graphical installers, I dislike. I see a photo of a screen, I dislike. I see a "omg windows is so bad I'm going to install linux, because that's all the cool ppl do but revert after 3 days because my wifi is somehow not working" post, I FCKING DISLIKE
  • 8
    You must be fun at parties
  • 1
    @orkhanfarmanli Hahahaha, YES.
  • 0
    @Kimmax what distro do you use?
  • 2
    ...he says and goes ahead to install Ubuntu
  • 0
    @Brss infinate loop until one mans up and learns Linux
  • 5
    @jonjo debian with redhat pve kernel for HVs
  • 0
    @orkhanfarmanli i don't wanna see the sign of the devil so i +1d you
  • 1
    If it is your first time you will see you in a week. Many people try and get back..
  • 6
    @andros705 as your main 'kernel'? Where the fuck does that come from
    Well you could say that it brings you (as os) and the hardware together, therefore it would be kind of right, but that sounds just stupid
  • 3
    @andros705 can you show me how to boot windows from a Linux kernel?
  • 5
    @jonjo you need to chainload the windows bootloader from grub. Or if you have two separate HDDs install in mbr each and select boot device.
    Or if you're using uefi keep the windows efi and boot the kernel directly. (It has an efi stub inbuilt)
  • 5
    Don't listen to the Ubuntu haters.

    Although at home i prefer a distro i can play around with and tweak some, I still have to use Ubuntu at work and Ubuntu's good at what it does (streamlining the ux so you don't have to worry about stuff and can focus on development).

    Make sure to try use & learn the shell instead of Ubuntu's gui crap though.
  • 1
    So you are really saying that he should not use Ubuntu,
  • 0
    @Kimmax but I want my main Linux kernel to do it 😂.
  • 6
    @Linux Nah, use Ubuntu to learn Linux. Then don't use Ubuntu.
  • 0
    @GeaRSiX use gentoo 😂
  • 1
    Why not use Debian directly?
  • 6
    @Kimmax cool story bro, have more of them? 😀

    It's hilarious to see all of you hating and raging because of some nonsense. I thought developers are intelligent and smart people but as I can see, not always 😀 Keep on this childish fight "smartguys" 😀

    For those with some maturity: I've abandoned windows as it was insanely unstable system for my daily work. A lot of crashes and hangs. Don't have time for that.
  • 6
    Smart people does not use Ubuntu
  • 4
    @jonjo that or slackware haha

    @Linux Ubuntu is more idiot-friendly
  • 0
    @Linux than give me the reasons to not use ubuntu. From your head ☺
  • 1
    @GeaRSiX in all fairness Ubuntu was my first Linux distro untill I really wanted to learn Linux then I moved to Gentoo. After years of compiling and understanding build dependancies I switch to Arch for desktop development, Armbian for embedded arm and CentOS for servers.
  • 3
    Wow, lots of hate. Jeez, guys.
  • 3
    @AlgoRythm not hate.. rants
  • 0
    Good luck, esp if it's 16 LTS
  • 3
    @sarneeh list the reasons you have for hating Windows then we can counter it for reasons to hate ubuntu.
  • 0
  • 3
    @Kimmax I'm simpler. I see your post , I like.
  • 0
    I did that already, but didn't bad mouth windows
  • 3
    @jonjo another linix kernel could be loaded with luck and kexec. I don't think that will work with the windows boot loader tho. There would be a decent amount of device resetting involved, basically you have to get the bios command set working
  • 3
  • 0
    @Kimmax I know 😉
  • 0
    @Kimmax You say that, but it was windows that fucked my wifi when I freshed installed it (ubuntu and my hackintosh were fine). Not to say that voyeurism is not cool, but still.
  • 1
    @grublle Linux has a lot of driver problems with new laptops. Problem is chipsets always change.
  • 0
    @jonjo I know, but windows doesn't behave as well when you install it yourself.
  • 0
    @grublle is why I always copy all windows drivers to usb before 😅
  • 1
    @jonjo listed my reasons few replies earlier ☺

    @Linux i don't care actually, i just want a stable system ☺
  • 0
    @sarneeh I have been running windows on my laptops without failure for 10 years. Is usually because of a hardware fault that it fails. Linux however I always find problems with if it is not a server so you will need to have the desire to fix a problem.
  • 3
    The insanity of you people.. Come on, there's a new person willing to enter the Linux community, be friendly to him 😊
  • 1
    @oscarascal maybe we just like the rant... when I started Linux/Ubuntu 10 years ago I kept raging/switching between Ubuntu and Windows
  • 0
    Then go for Debian,
  • 5
    A week later...
  • 0
    I don't get all the hate for Ubuntu ._. I'm happy with it (but what do I say, I was happy with Windows as well)
  • 0
    It is fucking devRANT.
  • 0
    how are you doing with your ubuntu? @sarneeh
  • 0
    @bdshi13 Actually i have finally moved to a Hackintosh 😀 Both ubuntu and now osx were better experiences than windows as a development environment ☺
  • 1
    @sarneeh Signs that you're using Windows incorrectly: "OSX is a better development environment"
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm It is for me, I'm sorry that you can't understand that someone can have different preferences than you 😀
  • 1
    @sarneeh I'm really not working off preferences here. And dont be a fuckin shithead, either. Your sarcasm and arrogant tone is wasted on me, I'm not trying to start a fight.
  • 1
    Also dig Ubuntu, I was against it at first because of the hate, but I feel like it's hella stable and works well with all the hardware I use, granted I obviously opt for something else on my legacy hardware.
  • -1
    @AlgoRythm Someone got mad here 😀 Gotcha! I don't really care about your comments either, cuz you don't provide any arguments for your statements ☺
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm and others, sorry guys for my offensive posts that I've written earlier - just had some rough time and this was kinda my reaction to that. Im a little bit better now and have healed loads of stress already. Hope You'll forgive me ☺ Cheers
  • 0
    This screen brings such happiness.
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