When you open devRant and the first thing you see is "Fuck you, Windows." and you can't help but giggle 😂

  • 19
    I'm actually tired of rants about how Windows is bad
  • 2
    @athlon It never ends, trust me.
  • 2
    @drRoss fuck u windows

  • 3
    I use Ubuntu as my main os too atm. Not because I hate Windows (I sure don't), but because I have to focus on studying and Windows with its fancy game support would only distract me
  • 4
    @drRoss I mean c'mon. Linux IS NOT perfect either.
  • 1
    @Jop- LOL. Great joke.
  • 0
    @Jop- Windows is alpha? LMAO.
  • 2
    @Jop- As I've said in another rant:

    Personally I had more problems with this proclaimed "Beta" through one month, than with "Alpha" through year.
  • 1
    @athlon Agree. It's a very good OS. It has bugs ans flaws, but what software doesnt?
  • 2
    I don't get the hate on windows...
    I guess cave dwellers just hate looking outside?

    On a serious note though, both have strengths and weaknesses :}
  • 3
    I honestly do not get the Windows hate either. Because 99% of thoose who writes "fuck you Windows, I am switching to Ubuntu" are kids and devs who have just started their career at "Bla bla basementDevs".
  • 2
    I've used Windows and some Linux distributions
    Personally I prefer Windows in almost anything

    In my opinion, The only aspect in which Linux really shines is remote management(SSH+bash+packet manager) and really specific distros to solve some needs(like Kali and that)

    But please, use whatever you like and you feel comfortable with
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