
I want to develop an open source software that lets you create exams and runs on an isolated environment which prevents the users to open any other software thus preventing cheating.

Project Type
Open source idea

I want to develop an open source software that lets you create exams and runs on an isolated environment which prevents the users to open any other software thus preventing cheating.

I plan to build the software with Java using sql or firebase as backed. It is going to be an open source software.
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  • 3
    I guess you'll freeze my phone too when taking the exam 🤔🤔
  • 2

    We already use one in our school and every Finnish schools (second-degree study) for almost all offical exams already. Was it this autumn that math joins the club as the last subject.
  • 0
    @tecivan actually that is no hard task. Screen overlay can do this.
    But we are thinking of a desktop software
  • 0

    Actually if you or anyone is interested in freezing Android. Please do it in a tasteful manner. And below is my progress on the manner. It is WIP and probably will be. Again: it's really hacky and I'm not even sure if this is a good idea, but I trust you on this. It's against every guidelines.

  • 1
    Wait... Are you more interested in the platform as a service? Or the isolated environment?
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