An hybrid app for Onesignal APIs

Project Type
Open source idea

An hybrid app for Onesignal APIs

Thinking of making an hybrid app to consume onesignal apis using react or ionic. The only restrictions is the user shall not be able to create app. But can manage all his onesignal apps, like the app analytics, notification analytics also send/ schedule notifications. AFAIK there exists no such thing when I needed a native android/iOS app to consume Onesignal's rest api
Tech Stack
react native, ionic
Current Team Size
  • 0
    So you get the OneSignal dashboard as an app ? Or i didn't really understand, never really tried to access OneSignal on mobile
  • 0
    @Gloumy not exactly a dashboard, most people setup onesignal apps using dashboard and then push notifications and also see analytics in dashboard itself....I'm one of those people who can't login everytime to send notification, so I decided let me make an app to use onesignal templates and push notifications from mobile. TBH the mobile version of onesignal site just sucks.
  • 0
    @jusanotherdev Well, looks like a good idea
  • 0
    I think it’s nice. I would be down for it. @jusanotherdev
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