
A news/article/blog site and forum revolving around social issues where in addition to reading articles people can ask questions that are sensitive judgment free and get answers.
The aim is to slowly make the world a better more tolerant place

Project Type
Project idea

A news/article/blog site and forum revolving around social issues where in addition to reading articles people can ask questions that are sensitive judgment free and get answers. <br /> The aim is to slowly make the world a better more tolerant place

Tech Stack
React, redux, maybe firebase
Current Team Size
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    @M1sf3t yeah I know. It’s building the actual site that’s my issue
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    @M1sf3t knowledge. I’ve already drawn it out tho.

    Like I’ve made the templates of all the pages using dummy placeholders and css. So I know design is done.

    Next is function which I’m unsure how to tackle. So In the mean time I’ve been making and gathering content so if the time comes I don’t launch an empty site
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    @minsomai will do. I’ll add you. You wanna help yeah?
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    @minsomai yay
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    hey btw @al-m , i've also been tinkering with django
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    @minsomai same same
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    @minsomai yes I do. It’s only my website. I’m not plugging. Just too lazy to go check and I can’t remember. Check the contact link
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    @minsomai mustyS #0800
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