
University can be a b*tch. What if you could turn MP4, pdfs and pptx into digestible notes (Obsidian)?

Project Type
Open source idea

University can be a b*tch. What if you could turn MP4, pdfs and pptx into digestible notes (Obsidian)?

I'm working on a tool that would bundle up informations from pdfs and videos and turn them into beautiful markdown notes for the Obsidian note taking application. At the moment I've developed a simple scraper that uses a pdf reader to scan the pages for tokens, and based on the average words of the page, it takes a screenshot (to be elaborated further) so not to leave image information. It then uses tesseract OCR to scan the images for equations and text, and lastly ot performs a clean of punctuations and useless tokens. I'm dire need for ideas in order to continue the project. I was thinking of implementing chatGPT to automatize some processes by careful prompt engineering.
Tech Stack
js, nodejs, GPT, prompt
Current Team Size
  • 2
    ChatGPT prompt API limit is around thousand requests. Maybe you can use gpt4all instead of chatgpt if you want to do mass. Sadly, my hardware sucks too much to try it.
  • 0
    I started using obsidian from this month. Now I'm used to.
  • 0
    @amitgupta it's very good app. I'm writing my DND campaign there ahahah
  • 1
    @ookami, I'm trying to extend its uses for writing jekyll posts. Though, it is not that effective as I use lot of styling in the posts but still helpful.
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