
Was looking for an excuse to use this meme:

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    ECMAScript to rule them all
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    ostream being butthurt about js is more funny than this meme 😂
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    @aviophille lol, I was one of the original JS bashers here. For years.
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    My personality is calling everyone x-tards, or idiots, whatever.

    Projecting much, ostream.

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    Php and base level cgi-scripts... like the ones that cpanel will recognise enough to automatically add them to the auto-generated cgi-scripts folder of a cheap af(~3$/mo) hosting company.
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    @CoreFusionX you should be nice to new/fake ostream... adults shouldnt pick on little kids too much. At least wait until he matures past 10yr olds spamming on runescape ~2005.
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    @aviophille did you draw that all by yourself?
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