
Can anyone suggest good book for learning how an os works
Working of microprocessor
book for complete software development form noob to expert

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    >from noob to expert
    there is no such book, either it's for beginners, or it is for experts.
    Both? Never saw such a thing.
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    i think its better to learn from the internet because books get outdated meanwhile the internet gets updated every once in a while
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    I don't know if it's good but Operating System Concepts for the OS related stuff, at least our lecturers were borrowing heavily from this book
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    You want to know how a microprocessor works, as you're becoming a software developer? Seems a bit odd. Anyway, I highly recommend CODE
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    "Computer Systems: A Programmers Perspektive". It doesn't cover everything you asked for, but probably most of it and in a useful way, I'd you want to learn programming on a low level. A course at my university used this, to this day it was the course I learned the most from and enjoyed the most.
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    @theNox thank you
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    I read "Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles" by William Stallings.
    It's really good but its more about design.
    If you want to make an OS you need to learn C and some kind of assembly, I like NASM.
    Second decision you have to make: 64bit or 32bit, they both have pros and cons. There are a LOT more tutorials and stuff for 32bits.
    I went with 64b and had to read a lot of the AMD64 Volume 2 Manual, but nothing impossible.
    Also, osdev.org is the best, use it. Sometimes you wont find 64bit stuff in the main page, but the forums are great.
    As i said before, i went with 64bits. Not because i chose to but because my college provided us with a bootloader, which helps a lot. ( I can share it if you [or anyone] wants it)
    At the moment i have keyboard and console video drivers, virtual memory, kernel protection, multithreading and some IPC stuff.
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