
I've heard all kinds of arguments for about how whiteboard coding interviews should be obsolete, and that they usually doesn't reflect how good you are as a developer. But I've been polishing my skills with data structures and algorithms for a few weeks (learning this stuff for the second time since years ago in college) and I get this feeling that I'm becoming a much better programmer by practicing these things. And having access to all these things in the "working memory" of my brain has made me now think of solutions I couldn't before. But then - it may be that right now I'm working on embedded systems so this efficiency matters much more, earlier while doing full stack web development I didn't care about these much except while playing with strings maybe. So it might be dependent on your niche. What do you guys think?

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    You always benefit from knowing algorithms and data structure.

    But how much depends on what you are doing.

    Very simple frontend forms with some simple dump to db of email requires almost no thinking, but building a web application quickly requires more.
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    @xxxx Can't be a bad thing. Which resources did you use to brush up? What was your methodology for reteaching yourself things you had learned ages ago?
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    @codePatrol Just working through that Cracking the Coding Interview book. And took an online course on advanced C++
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