Hey Guys! I'm a beginner to web dev side... I feel pretty overwhelmed because of lot of tech around...I want to know which tech stack it will be helpful in my career

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    I'm working on RetoorJS. It'll make you rich
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    👆 this
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    It will benefit you most to probably do a deep dig into semantic html and CSS. After that, I would go thru a book/course on JS to learn a bit more about functional programming in contrast to how people normally use JS. Then I would do some digging on tools like node, webpack, etc… after that you can learn stuff like web perf, a11y, i18n, etc…
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    Html css javascript. Thats it for frontend.

    Another shit is just a tool for fast development
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    Pug js is the way to go
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    There are so many frameworks and "techs" for web dev because we still try to come up with something that doesn’t suck but haven’t succeeded yet.
    I suggest to start with something sane before diving into web dev.
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    This is a VERRRYY broad subject. It's a bit like saying "I want to be an artist, help".

    You need to figure out what type of development you want to be involved with.

    Small client projects like business websites with nothing but a few general pages? Does the company need to edit the pages themselves?

    Ecommerce? Does it need to be linked to a specific back-end office or CRM?

    Back-end dev or front-end customer facing UI?

    Single Page Apps? To do what?


    Mobile, desktop, Tv? Web or internal?

    Server-side or serverless?


    Where are you grabbing your data from? A database? What kind? An API? what kind?

    Even after answering all of these everyone on this thread will offer you something different. So it'll come down to what you feel comfortable (and excited) to work with, what sort of team you want to work with and how much money you want make / time you want to spend
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    @ojt-rant Thanks I'll think about it and start learning on the concepts which I feel easy
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    @Lensflare Thanks for your suggestion!
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    @black-kite This is something I've never heard
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    @novatomic Thanks... I finished the basics of HTML and starting to learn CSS
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    @shovethisrant Thanks for the suggestion
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