
You guys should totally give me like ten upvotes so I can get stickers hahah (ty Michelle xD)

  • 3
    It doesn't work that way haha. Most people will probably down vote you for that.
    Try ranting about something.

    Say something about how you hate it when windows updates all the time and now you're going to switch to Linux. To get more comments and possible upvotes ask for which distro to use ;)
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    @Michelle uhh ahha I have no idea on half of what u just said xD time to google a whole bunch of shit lmao
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    I'm sure you know what windows is. It's the operating system your computer uses.
    Linux is another operating system, and it's wayyy better than shitty windows.
    Also, a distro is the type of Linux you use. But personally, I'd say the top three are: Mint, Kali, and Ubuntu.
  • 1
    @Michelle ok what windows is... I’m not that big of an idiot lmao! Also, I remember when I came over for hw u were trash talking about windows and said u wanted to switch to Linux or something.
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    Yes, bc Linux is an operating system just like windows... But better.
  • 3
    @Michelle leading by example, I see. Ahahaha!
  • 2
    It's the best way to explain after all :)
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