Why the fuck is debit cards that don't need a PIN for transactions even a thing? What is so difficult to understand or implement in a two factor authentication? Like do these companies have meetings where some fucktard proposes removing a crucial security feature and the others just nod approval?

  • 3
    *nods approval*
  • 3
    You mean instead of tapping, i need to tap THEN put in a pin number?

    No thanks, thats a fucking hassle.

    Whats so unsecure about it? If you lost your card, cancel it, if you see unauthed transactions dona chargeback, a pin does literally nothing.
  • 0
    I have a card that needs to be inserted and it uses PIN. Considering skimming techniques, i'm honestly thinking switching to PayView card for tapping only. At least I will br insured from it being stolen this way.
  • 1
    Well there is probably a limit on it. Ive only heard of things below 25$ are accepted without PIN. But this is still a bad thing to do!
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    @D--M @JFK422
    I'm not even talking about the contactless cards that you just tap. They have a limit upto which you can transact (still paranoid about it though). My debit card, which is a travel card actually, can be used anywhere as long as you have the card. No PIN and no reasonable limit. It's friggin scary.
  • 0
    @exceptionalGuy Is it PrePaid? Which makes a bit more sense but still bullshit!
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