
I got 2 internship opportunity and I don't know which one should I choose. One is 20 minutes from my home and is at my university, but the benefits are not that good. The other one is about 1 hour and a half from my house and the benefits is so much better. What should I do?

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    @ClemFrieckie a lot, I would those hours to study
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    What you mean by benefits?
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    @carlosjpc money for transport, lunch and health care
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    If it doesnt have to do with being a better university I would choose the one close to your place
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    Universitys usually dont give a shit, so go for the benefits if you don't mind the extra hours traveling, maybe it will even open some doors for you. In the end both will look good in your cv.
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    I would recommend you to choose the one which can develop ur skill better. University might give u research oriented task while company usually give industry related work. U should be aware for the job desk u would do during intern, then u can decide
  • 4
    As an intern, choose the knowledge > money
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    Spending 1 hour and a half in the public transport doesn't have to stop you from learning. You can always use the time to read a book or listen to some podcasts.
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    @timihg probably it's a nice company anyway
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    @IndoDev both is for development, and i like them both
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    @Mocha yes, I would do that. Thanks
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    @Mrtins well, u know the environment better. So all the best for that :D
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    @IndoDev thanks :D
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