Started learning React, headaches incoming...

  • 4
    Wait till u combine it with flux-redux lol
  • 2
    I have a presentation in my company on a subject why we choose VueJS over React and Angular for our team. Long story short, just learn Vue. I honestly don't know why would anyone choose React over Vue. Maybe only because Facebook is behind it, but I don't see how that matters at the moment.
  • 0
    React is rather lovely 😊
    Especially when paired with Redux

    Also: there's no perfect styling solution; however, I've found that Sass with per-component styles in addition to overall branding and site styles works quite well.
  • 4
    The headaches would start coming when you deal w/ redux xD
  • 0
    If you now use create react apps, just wait until you should configured Webpack by yourself.. 😂
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    just another way for web dev, nothing special.
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    @DanijelH I love Vue as well, but React Native is a killer reason to learn and use React.
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    @21stCenturyJoku If I'm not mistaken there's also native support with Vue, but I do believe React is more mature in that area. Good point there :)
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    Fuc**** morons, how hard can it be? just mix int the css, html and js into 1 higher order react funciton. noobs
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