
Waking up to another day of being forced to use SVN because my university seems to have a problem with using git. Who the fuck uses SVN now anyway, piece of shit version control.

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    Use git locally as well?
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    My project uses SVN... We can't change because the time spent retraining my coworkers isn't in the budget (they have no interest in learning) and the current system 'works'.

    Heard from a friend who works at a very, very big international pharmaceutical company, they don't use any source control. So, it could be worse.
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    @eoin well if a company didn't use source control I wouldn't work for them. Might sound extreme but I'm not bout to risk my job because code was lost and a company can't be fucked to put it under FREE source control.
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    @px06 The only reason to join a company that doesn't currently use source control is so that you can implement it and look awesome...

    That or you really want to generate content for theDailyWTF/devrant
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