Fuck those who hate on Mac os and say that they aren't customizable and cost money for everything. Like some days ago I saw this post about how Mac users need money for like getting simple shit done. Tbh most of the ppl haven't even used Mac for dev stuff. And after using Linux I would say MAC IS AS GOOD AS LINUX. (if u use Mac ports or brew as a package manager) and u can even run Linux apps in there without almost any hassle.

  • 2
    But...Mac os isn't customizable. At least not as configurable as your average Linux distro.
  • 0
    True dat lol
  • 1
    Continue to create another user with root access
  • 0
    Apple's hardware is on point tho, awesome stuff.
  • 1
    There’s a certain tiling window manager that I can’t wait till it’s a bit more stable for macOS. And I just realized that I can’t use macOS without Hammerspoon very recently. Slowly but surely my need for certain functionalities on an OS is gonna go beyond what macOS can provide natively. I still love it tho, and it gave me a soft landing spot into Unix-like systems.
  • 2
    I can't say anything about MacOS because I never used it - Macs are way too expensive and I don't exactly come from a rich family
  • 1
    I put is as simply as: we get a specialized OS which is a direct decendant of BSD by means of NEXT in hardware that it built specifically to run the os. Yeah, 2500 for a base model is way too fucking much, I will never deny that. But I've had my macbook pro running like a champ since 2013 with ZERO fucking problems. Used it professionally for mobile development from which Android and ios was a breeze and works wonderfully with nearly all web development environments except for pre .net core (for obvious reasons) and I hate when people bring gaming, I do not use my computer for gaming and even if I did it would not be on a laptop or in anything other than Windows. I do not need to customize shit, i just need to get to work. Those 2500 dollars? Yeah, shit paid for itself and I am on my way to getting a newer model. I say fuck em too.
  • 0
    Don't like Mac yet it's my daily driver :(
  • 0
    Fuck those who don't hate on Mac os and say that they are customizable and don't cost money for everything. Like some days ago I saw this post about how Mac users don't need money for like getting simple shit done. Tbh most of the ppl would never use Mac for dev stuff. And after using Linux I would say MAS IS NOT AS GOOD AS LINUX. (even if u use Mac ports or brew as a package manager) and u can't even run Linux apps in there without a lot of hassle.
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