
It is 10th December, but this "issue" was not fixed in 2 weeks (as screen says, happened 25th November). Noone bats an eye.

  • 3
    The polish and czech with their different month naming
  • 0
    @theNox I don't understand what you mean by "different naming".
  • 3
    @blem14 november -> listopad
  • 0
    @theNox you realize they are named differently in any other langauage too, right?
  • 3
    @blem14 in most european countries it's november or something similar https://jakubmarian.com/november-in...
  • 0
    @theNox as most of europe was under Roman Empire too. Also you can read that November, as part of Roman calendar, originates from Latin word. Slavs (Poland, Czech, Ukrain etc) had they own naming for moths, later november-like ones became more popular in some of them.

    It is as correct as calling ananas a pineaple 😉
  • 3
    @blem14 I know about that, I'm not saying it's wrong, I was just stating a fact haha
  • 3
    @blem14 and pineapple is an even greater anomaly haha, like no other country calls it pineapple
  • 2
    @killermenpl 🙄
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