
Graduation day:

A guy presents a modified pathfinding algorithm based on a*, in Java.
Jumping to the conclusions, he says he tested the algorithm on a 128x128 graph based maze, but not larger because the program saturates his 4 GB ram pc.

One teacher (algorithms and data structures) literally jumps from the chair "you saturate 4gb of ram with a* on 128x128 graph?!"

Best graduation day ever lol

  • 1
    Dafuq did he do lol
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    @ilikeglue He used Java as stated.
  • 10
    That's only 16,384 possible tiles!
    How the crap do you saturate 4,294,967,296 bytes making a navigation map? That's 256kb per tile!
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    @Root very easily actually : building each possible path from scratch ends up with waaaayyyy more than 128^2 possibilities...
  • 1
    @toz3wm A* is so much better than that. Why would you modify something only to make it worse?! 😭
  • 1
    @Root well the rant said "modified", not upgraded :p
    More seriously, yeah of course A* is way better but it depends on your heuristic ! I just wanted to point out that if it can be very efficient, it can also easily explode in complexity..
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    @toz3wm You're totally right, of course.

    I just can't believe anyone would see those results and be happy with them.
  • 1
    @Root I can't believe someone produced a work like that, then his relator approved the work, then during the graduation one teacher points out "hey,you completely fucked up!".

    Well, if people like they wouldn't exist,so do devrant lol.
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