Windows things. Someone's antivirus had been expired.

  • 5
    I've seen computers suddenly go slower when the antivirus expired, then run normally after the expired antivirus was uninstalled. I have a suspicion that some antivirus software does it to make people think they have a virus and renew their subscription.
  • 9
    Anti-virus doesn't make computer to run faster.
    Smart people don't need anti-virus on their machine because they know where we can find right things on internet rather than downloading junk wear which contains malwares.
  • 0
    If you have to use Windows, use an open-source anti-virus. Will get you some names later.
  • 1
    I wish my antivirus license expired :(
  • 5
    Was using Norton for years. It uses 99% CPU. *Delete* now I use linux.
  • 1
    @MCCshreyas +1
    Long time since I last installed an antivirus on Windows and I never had any problem.
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    Please stop using antivirus...

    Not clicking on fraudulent links and not downloading suspicious files will give you much better protection than any antivirus ever could.
  • 1
    There's this great tool that anti-viris companies hate, it's called common sense.
  • 0
    i can recommended hypestkey software for new antivirus)))
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