This is what I talk with Dev every day

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    "Stop Testing my features"
    My man, my brother, my idiot, you WANT your features teated.
    Don't blame the messenger.
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    "You cannot use my feature like that"
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    That's like telling your kids they must not eat spinach and peas to trick them into wanting to have it? So let's all fight against testing, quality and other missing priorities so we might be getting them at last.
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    I mean I used to hate QA but now that my shit is customer facing and I have to QA myself I realize that guy was a blessing.
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    In our situation, it's usually an obscure use-case that wouldn't normally occur out in the wild, but someone looking for brownie points with upper mgmt will beat the "I FOUND A BUG!!!!" drum until it's fixed.

    When you try reason, "Yea, its a bug, but its a rarely used feature and the implementation recovers and reports the error correctly. Out of the million transactions, the issue only occurred once, and it was your test", all mgmt mind is capable of comprehending is "Bugs are bad. Devs must fix"
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    @PaperTrail you just described my job as a dev. QA focuses on a single bug, doesn't even care about the rest until it's fixed
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    Testers always leeching on the code someone else wrote, finding all sorts of issues and then trying to get points for that.
    Yes I didn't think of the edge cases because I had 1 story point to finish the job and 100 meetings.
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    I totally agree with you.

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