
How are redhat docs SO EXTENSIVE yet SO USELESS if you need to use it as actual user documentation? I thought they had their shit together, but after two days struggling to find any useful information I found a golden stackoverflow answer (sorry, but it's true) which - in my opinion - should have been the official "getting started" documentation entry for firewalld...
Everybody expects that you have your basic set of ports open (ssh for example), but nobody ever covers the configuration for that very important port 22 before you are locked out of your device. Thanks harperville if you're on here <3

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    The ArchWiki, the Ubuntu Core setup tutorial, all Raspberry Pi public-facing host tutorials, the UFW docs, the OpenSSH manual and every StackOverflow answer mentions that if you're setting up a firewall on a machine you're accessing through ssh, you should allow port 22 in your initial configuration.

    If they'd been lazy and sold you plagiarized free material you would've almost certainly had a better experience, although I haven't tried to configure firewalld directly.
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    @lorentz well yes, that's also not that hard to find indeed. But none really mention _how_ to do it _without_ enabling the firewall rules which then block you out (i.e. using the offline variants).
    But what nobody mentions either is the fact that (at least in my install) port 22 is open by default to prevent this either way hahaha
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