

  • 5
    Seen the original. This is the first thing I thought of 😀
  • 1
  • 16
    To be honest I think programming does take some genetic traits to be good at. You have to be a sort of person that is good at logic, creativity and visualising complex structures. You also need to be a fast learner. Now call me a bigot or whatever but I'd say you need a higher than average IQ to be a good programmer since the traits I mentioned earlier are linked to higher IQ.

    Obviously you can be a programmer without any of that but you'll probablly be a below average programmer. Still a programmer tho.
  • 5
    @Froot It feels like you're trying very hard not to say "You'll be a programmer, just the ones I hate to work with" 😂
  • 1
    @Froot practice
  • 1
    This is 100% accurate
  • 3
    I tend to disagree with the argument that just "programming more code" makes you a better programmer.

    There are enough people who wrote unmanageable spaghetti code for 30 years without ever picking up a book on design, never learning patterns or best practices.

    A person who has the deep intrinsic whish to get better at what they do every weekday will become better - but not by practice alone. Taking that step back and asking "why does this part of the program break repeatedly" / "my code works, but is there anything I can improve about it?" is what leads an interested programmer to become better.
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