
Staged a minor patch to auto release tonight, just before christmass. Wish me luck.

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    @Kimmax sometimes the reprecursions of not having the patch are much bigger, but agreed.
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    @f7u12 sure, everything went smooth.
    The only reason I pushed it was
    A: without it some new customers got consistent hard crashes thanks to an external api change for which we did not receive a headsup before they pushed it.
    B: we have a very stable home grown release mechanism with full automated testing and inbuild locking for clients, this way we cannot release detectable broken builds, even uploaded files get checked with checksums.

    Also we use a fully automated exception reporting with full stacktraces, so if something goes wrong we can fix it quite easily.
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    @f7u12 we produce full shop automation (including pos, kiosk, webshop etc.) for small to max 10 locations retail in a few specific branches as wel as some resellers. (Actually a lot more to it than that ;) )

    Having a decent release mechanism is critical with so many components.
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    @f7u12 our tooling is made in C#, our web stuff in php-fpm+apache both combined with the same mariadb database. A lot of work but it creates a lot of opportunities and since we create and manage everything we can tightly control version upgrades etc.
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    @f7u12 thnx for the interest.
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