
Me (to friend): So all your information these days is stored in the cloud.

Friend: Yeah I know that's crazy, huh!?

Me: Yeah!

Friend: I wonder if there's any disruption of the data when planes fly through.

Me: What do you mean?

Friend: Like when a cloud breaks when a plane move through it since we store our data in the precipitation layer. Nikola Tesla would be so proud.

Me: Uh... The fuck?

Me (thinking to myself): maybe he's just joking...

  • 3
    😆 👍👍👍
  • 10
    Tell him.
    If it's public cloud, it's ok.
    If it's private cloud, private jets are allowed to fly over it.
    And if it's a community cloud, selected flights are allowed to fly.
  • 14
    And also, if it rains, the data goes away with it, and to protect we promote rain harvesting to collect back lost data.
  • 0
    Crying baby photo's that's where the acid rain comes from...
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