
Drag-to-select in Samsung's "My Files" app is a disaster.

If you don't move your finger and stop dragging towards the top or bottom, it goes into "drag-and-drop" after one second. When you release your finger, it unselects everything, so you have to start over.

This is why every mobile file manager needs range selection. This means tapping two files, tapping a button, and everything inbetween is immediately selected.

This is similar to shift+click selection on desktop. We take this for granted since it has been a standard feature for three decades. But mobile apps still can't do this simple thing as of 2024.

"Drag-to-select" is better than individual selection, but comes nowhere close to real range selection. "Drag to select" is at best an ugly twin of full desktop-like range selection, but file manager developers can still get away with giving it the label of "mass selection".

ES File Explorer had this since at least 2012, yet billion-dollar Samsung and Google fail to implement this in their file managers.

  • 3
    I went from a pixel 5 to a galaxy s24... Was like going 5 years back in time in usability and polish. I deeply hate it.
  • 0
    I don't even know why people keep buying this Samsuck crap
  • 0
    i dont like samsung either. But to be fair. They do have alot of well working features for a long time. Such as individual app volume and sound playback from multiple apps, my files with network ability, great multitasking, great screen sharing...

    I still dont like them due to their closed nature. But also most android companies have a much worse experience.
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