
I'm more pissed than I've been in awhile. With classes coming back soon and having to catch up to my classmates in college and as a developer, have to work part-time to pay off debt. Now I just found out that I have high cholesterol at EIGHTEEN and need to exercise regularly. All this putting off has now crashed down on me and I have no idea how I'm going to do this all at once. For the sake of my future (and my heart), how the heck am I gonna do all this?

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    Push through that shit, endure and emerge victorious!
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    Step 1. Don't try to play catch up with your peers.

    Instead, set meaningful goals that you know will put you in a position of security. For example, if you plan on working as a dev, don't try to match your classmates in every subject. Pick a couple, like English and math.

    Using others as a standard for you is silly. Your health should always come first, even if that means you might take longer in school.

    What is the minimum amount of work you can do while still staying on track to meet your goals? Find it, and do that. If you're healthy and want to do more sometimes, that's cool, but find a safe amount to start with. That amount is different for everybody and isn't a reflection of your character, just of what you've got to work with.
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