Finish all the moocs I took yesterday in less than 4 months.

  • 3
    ALL 😱😲


    All the best.
    Focus on finishing one after another.
  • 1
    @github Thanks :) I'm doing 3 at once, but out of those 3 I'm only rushing one. Then I'll focus in another one while keeping the same pace in the others. It's the only way I don't get bored from the courses; it gives my learning experience more variety.
  • 2
    @gitcommit at the beginning, everyone is pumped up, but don't lose track of it, even during exams.

    I have personally left moocs close to completion. Try to best to finish them.
  • 0
    @github I will. That's why I'm rushing some before I enter classes at march. I hope I only have 2 courses left by then.
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