So I've been developing something I call P.A.R.N! (terrible name, I know) that recursively scans a folder for images and serves up a picture gallery via http using those images.

What do you all think?

I just wanted to share my latest personal project here 😶

The funnest part for me was writing the web server part :P

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    @dfox DevRant isn't handling this URL correctly... I checked the url is correct, but it's stripping off the last character.

    Edit: adding a slash to the end fixes it.
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    @Gogeta70 yeah mate, it's giving a 404...
    Let's try again: https://github.com/AdamWelch1/...-

    Edit: ok it's definitely a devRant issue...
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    @Gogeta70 I’ll star your project just to keep looking at it from time to time :) if you need help or anything let me know. Would love to contribute with the ReadME or something !
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    @MikeOcasio For sure! Do you do web design? I don't know if you looked at the template html/css files but I'm no artist lol
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    @Gogeta70 I’m focused mainly on iOS development and just recently started messing with html and css so trust me it looks like art to me lmao
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    @Gogeta70 i do some design :) I'll try to give it a look sometime soon
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    @AllenII That would be awesome!
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    @MikeOcasio I just checked your github. You've been busy, there's even a commit on Christmas! XD
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    @Gogeta70 I try to make at least some sort of commit to get the activity fees looking nice and green. Haha slacking the last couple of days though. So helping you would deff boost that 😂
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    @MikeOcasio Haha, yeah your commit history looks a lot better than mine XD

    I'm not really sure what you'd be up for, but if you see something you want to work on, it's fine by me. Do you know C++?
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    @Gogeta70 I could start off with helping with the ReadME simple mark up stuff for now. I’m working my way to C++ one language at a time lol
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    @MikeOcasio Sounds good to me. When you get there, I think you'll have a lot of fun with C++ 😉
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    @Gogeta70 I’ve heard mixed feelings lmao 😂
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    @MikeOcasio Yeah, I guess some people don't like the level of control C++ gives you. Personally, I like the ability to dictate exactly what my code does.
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    @Gogeta70 I’m reading through your code and I gotta say I love some of your comments lmao really good descriptions and annotations bro.
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    @Gogeta70 you have a good email to be reached for like questions and stuff. I’m working on the ReadME right now lol
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    @MikeOcasio I don't check my email much. I added you as a collaborator to the project though.
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    @MikeOcasio I'm glad to see your put in your first pull request. I commented on your commit with a change I'd like you to make, but the readme looks awesome!
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