First rant incoming!

I love when bizDEV people who are clearly not technical try to be technical. I mean I get when you want to try and understand something and I am totally down for letting you in on why we (the engineers) decided to do something a certain way. When you then go and tell us “no” and give the reason of “because I said so” it really doesn’t still well. Then you wonder why we don’t want to talk to you about anything? I mean it doesn’t take a genius to figure out you know nothing about anything we are doing but sure, why don’t we just go along with your plan because you are totally omniscient.

Then he decided that he wants to be in all the “idea” discussions... I really don’t understand because my ideas are not scheduled and I am not going to set up a meeting and write them down for later so you can feel needed and important.

This project had such a good chance of becoming something great but I have a bad feeling it’s going to fail now because non technical people are in charge of technical decisions.

End of rant, thanks for listening.

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    This resonates pretty strongly with me, especially recently.

    The company I work for has been plagued by this exact thing -- the CEO is a sales-only person (literally his only behavior) and acts in this way. He's directed development over the past five years, and it absolutely shows: the entire codebase is horrible and so mangled and decayed it's difficult to tell how anything links together, let alone what's live code and what isn't.

    Now he is very probably (98% certainty) promoting someone else (a contractor) to CTO who, while a developer, doesn't know any of our tech stack. He doesn't know Ruby, Rails, React, or even what Postgres is. He's never seen the codebase, and yet presumes to tell me how to do my projects. He's also a lapdog and yes-man for the CEO, and puts on a performance whenever he can. The whole thing is kind of revolting.

    While the pay is nice, the company still isn't solvent, so it won't last. I'll be jumping ship before it finishes sinking.
  • 4
    @Root It really sucks and sorry to hear you are in the same boat. The ship I’m on is not going to sink practically ever but I can get off the project if need be. I just wish people acknowledged that they have shortcomings and instead of believing they don’t exist, embrace them and let other people who know what they are doing make those decisions.
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