
I actively job hunted for close to a year without success. Now I have two offers in addition to my existing position, and that, without even having to apply for either. Knowing I can't combine all three, I've turned one down cuz it offers the least compensation for the most work but the guy is insisting he "wants my skin in the game". I know he's not stupid and obviously knows nobody else would be sympathetic to such peanuts

But it's not as though my life took a dramatic turnaround after months of turmoil. All three opportunities are still within the same meagre region, albeit with minor improvements. I do NOT feel grateful because the circumstance of one of the new offers is such that I'm still tied to my old buddies apron strings. Not only did I stagnate but I've got them paying my salary now. They rub it in by telling me I might get a car in two years time if I join them now, and how many properties they've acquired in our time apart

It sucks how little headway I've made in their absence, and how much harder I have to work to have any hope of earning close to their monthly wages

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    if they're offering peanuts he should up the company's skin in your game and give a substantial salary to you that would destitute the company if the relationship between you two doesn't work out. they gotta feel their skin ripping off. and peanuts ain't enough
  • 0
    Side note, I’m not sure that’s the correct usage of “skin in the game”
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