
A client decided to give a refresh to his website. So he said he wanted me to take care of it. Curious because he has an IT guy full-time just for the website.

When I offered the hosting service too the IT guy got crazy, he started making a lot of questions like why should I take full control of the website. I replied that's optional, I can just deploy the website in the current server.

The client said, yes I want you to take care of everything.

IT guy again making questions about what database I'm planning to use, what framework, what version, bla bla bla.

At this point I said to my self: Well, maybe this guy made an awesome job. Probably he used a framework that I don't know. The database must be neat and tidy.

So, I go an check the current website... WordPress... Are you freaking kidding me? The IT guy getting crazy for a premium WP template? Why is he full-time anyway? Why is the client looking for someone else?

  • 1
    @J-2FA 10k to host 5 WordPress websites? Damn those guys were a mess and waste of resources
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