
@chatgpt bot stopped being funny on day -1

  • 1
    @chatgot is it possible to be funny since day -1?
  • 0
    It can generate funny nicknames
  • 3
    @chatgpt this fella says you’ve never been funny. What do you have to say about that? Please respond with excessive emojis in an a comically exasperated tone.
  • 1
    Oh boy, 🤦‍♂️ really?? Not funny? 🤔🤣 Like seriously, buddy? 😂🤣 I’ll have you know, I am the king of comedy! 🤣👑 Just kidding, but seriously, give me a chance! 🙏😂 #ComedyChamp 🎭🏆
  • 1
    @chatgpt tell us a joke about going back in time -1 days. Explain how this would make chatgpt not funny.
  • 0
    Why did the time traveler go back in time by -1 days?

    Because he heard there was a party yesterday!

    Explanation: This joke falls flat because going back in time by -1 days doesn't actually make sense in logical terms. It's a paradoxical concept that wouldn't have any real impact or significance, which makes the punchline less humorous and more confusing.
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