
Open letter to any website that is trying to implement "smooth scrolling" on their website using JavaScript: stop, consider how awful it is 100% of the time, and kill yourself please.

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    I agree, but have a kind of bigger reason than aesthetics. Accessibility. People who use special browsers that already hook into events like scrolling (or clicking, or anything else). By changing any of the normal aspects of the browser, websites render accessibility features useless. I worked with many disabled people over a span of 7 years fighting to get their browser experience bearable. I was often forced to write a user-space JavaScript disabling vendor JavaScript on specific, especially annoying websites (and it wasn't easy, they really want their popups to pop).

    Fun fact. You'd never guess which website is considered a beacon of JavaScript best practices in accessibility community. It never hinders any of the built-in browser features — automatically tested on 20 browsers, including Conkeror and Midori. Not Google, not Facebook… but Pornhub. And if they do hinder any browser, their Bug Bounty covers finding that.
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